Elder Daniel Sant
Monday, August 27, 2018
Week 107 - Palmdale
Hello everyone! This week has been pretty fantastic. We taught Patricia
and she committed to being baptized on the 1st of September, but the
only thing was that she was going to be out of town that Sunday, so we
fasted this Sunday that her trip would get cancelled. Nevertheless, we
were not specific in our petitions and she did not make it to church
because of her son with autism. Thus she would be unable to be baptized
on the 1st. But we'll see what happens. It's still a possibility. The
Lord blessed us to find and talk to a lot of people, like walking up to
cars backing out of the driveway to talk to them (safely, mind you), and
other such things as that. It was a lot of fun, and sure we got
rejected every once in a while, but there was something that we learned.
Many people actually listened to the message, and at the end said it
was because we were bold, they said they could tell that we had
something important enough to be bold. It was a good lesson. We also
talked to this one guy who was actually on Facebook live, and we didn't
know until about halfway through the Restoration when he said, ":So, I'm
on Facebook live, and someone's telling me to tell you guys that I
believe in Jehovah, but I don't. I believe in Jesus Christ and God the
Father." He then got questions on it like "Was Tupac a prophet?" So our
restoration message is somewhere out there. Elder Simpson taught me
something. He said that sure, the scripture says "Don't run faster than
you have strength", but then he basically said "That doesn't mean we
should just walk. We are still expected to work til we drop", and I
really liked it. This week was also my last district council,
because next week I'll be going on the departing missionary temple trip.
It was good, and in the end I bore my testimony. I just have this last
week, and I am excited to see the miracles that come from a final week
of a mission. I love you all, and please pray for Patricia. Love Elder Sant
Monday, August 20, 2018
Week 106 - Palmdale
This week has been an extremely fast week. The end is
drawing nigh, and I am pushing forward with all my heart might mind and
strength. Elder Simpson is legendary as always. He's a great guy. We had
a special Zone Conference in the which we had a visit from a general
authority. This man is extremely savage. I loved it all. He was just
like "Oh, you're sick? Do you think anyone cares? God cares more about
the salvation of souls than how you feel." He said that lame
missionaries become lame Latter-Day Saints. The Lord will match you with
what you give Him". And he's from Germany, named Elder Jorg Klebingat.
He taught us a lot about the premortal life, basically about how we were sent into the most wicked world (Moses 7:35-36) and that we are sent into the midst of it all at the end of the battle. It shows the trust God has for us. We were probably the closest to Him, and when He said "come down to earth" we may have doubted until He said, "But Jesus will come and be there with you". Then we felt for sure that we could do it. He was just our best friend. We trusted Him fully. He then said in essence "I imagine it was the same for Jesus. He saw all He'd have to do, and maybe hesitated until He saw all of us, that we'd go down as well. He then felt confident, thought 'OK, my friends will be there.' It shows us the responsibility that we have to gather scattered Israel. I was thinking about it, and Jesus sometimes calls people His friends. To Joseph Smith He said "You are my friend", and so on with others. What I imagine is that when He calls someone His friend, or when we are His friend, He starts to see a little bit of who we were back then over here. He sees the diligence and obedience and faith that we had there with Him, and He says, "That's the Joseph Smith I know (or the Elder Sant). That's my friend. He's got my back". Elder Klebingat explained that to gain His trust, to be His friend, it is through obedience. It says that there were those who God said would be His rulers (Doc. and Cov. 138:55-56). He says that these rulers are not general authorities or prophets: the rulers are those who keep their covenants, who magnify their office and calling. They're the obedient ones, who do what God says without delay or doubt. Those are His rulers. I could spend pages on these notes I took, and the thoughts that came of what I learned, but nevertheless I will go on explaining the week.
He taught us a lot about the premortal life, basically about how we were sent into the most wicked world (Moses 7:35-36) and that we are sent into the midst of it all at the end of the battle. It shows the trust God has for us. We were probably the closest to Him, and when He said "come down to earth" we may have doubted until He said, "But Jesus will come and be there with you". Then we felt for sure that we could do it. He was just our best friend. We trusted Him fully. He then said in essence "I imagine it was the same for Jesus. He saw all He'd have to do, and maybe hesitated until He saw all of us, that we'd go down as well. He then felt confident, thought 'OK, my friends will be there.' It shows us the responsibility that we have to gather scattered Israel. I was thinking about it, and Jesus sometimes calls people His friends. To Joseph Smith He said "You are my friend", and so on with others. What I imagine is that when He calls someone His friend, or when we are His friend, He starts to see a little bit of who we were back then over here. He sees the diligence and obedience and faith that we had there with Him, and He says, "That's the Joseph Smith I know (or the Elder Sant). That's my friend. He's got my back". Elder Klebingat explained that to gain His trust, to be His friend, it is through obedience. It says that there were those who God said would be His rulers (Doc. and Cov. 138:55-56). He says that these rulers are not general authorities or prophets: the rulers are those who keep their covenants, who magnify their office and calling. They're the obedient ones, who do what God says without delay or doubt. Those are His rulers. I could spend pages on these notes I took, and the thoughts that came of what I learned, but nevertheless I will go on explaining the week.
There was a
lady that we found who accepted a baptismal date, and it was a powerful
lesson. She is among the sweetest people I've ever met. I was asked to
do a baptismal interview for someone who is trying to get a home in
Palmdale, and is living in a hotel for now. I did it in Spanish because
the husband, who's a member, only speaks English, but the wife speaks
Spanish best. She was super sweet and super prepared. We were on
exchanges that day, and my companion Elder Allinson said that he entered
the hotel room when we first started, and he didn't feel right about
the place, and that they came back after the interview, and he said
there was a clear difference in Spirit. I did another baptismal
interview, actually, and it was really cool as well. The Lord blessed us
with a lot of miracles. We went down this one street, and Jehovah's
Witnesses had just passed by, and we felt like it would be redundant to
walk through where they just had been, but we felt like we were supposed
to talk to the people there, and we did. We got rejected a few times,
but then found an amazing family who actually asked us for a Book of
Mormon. It was great. The Lord also blessed us when we went tracting,
and we started talking with a family, and the husband instantly gave us
his number and asked us to come by the very next day. We did, and he
asked how many times a week we could come by. It was really cool.
The Lord pushed us to our limits this week, and I was very glad to
feel that strength come into us. A lot happened this week. We went by
Irma, and she apologized for not coming to church, and said she would
"make it up" by taking a day off on Wednesday so we could talk. We're
not the ones she needs to make things up to, but it's God. If anything
she should make it up on Sunday. It was sad to see, but nevertheless,
the Lord prepares people in His time.
I love you all, and
usually I'd have a bit more information on the week, but our area book
app shut down, and it makes it a little difficult to write more info.
Love Elder Sant
Monday, August 13, 2018
Week 105 - Palmdale
On Wednesday we went up to
Tehachapi for a meeting with President Layton. We then went by Irma
because she needed to have the baptismal interview again, and she wasn't
answering for about 20 minutes, but then I remembered a story about
when someone needed something, a submarine to surface to save him from
being stranded, and then he realized "You have the priesthood. Command
it to submerge." I did that and not 5 seconds later someone opened the
door. After 20 minutes of no one answering, 5 seconds after a light
knock someone did.
But after that, we visited
George and Agripina. It was a big mix of the Plan of Salvation and the
restoration. George at one point in the lesson said, "so, what church do
you guys think is the most correct, the closest to Christ's church?"
And we were like "Well, let me tell ya." We're doing English classes,
and hna Victoria came, and we were teaching how to pray in English, and
she would always say "Heavy Father", which was super cute. We taught the
law of tithing to Patricia, and she loved it. She committed to live it.
We did service on Saturday, and found that the man we were helping was a
part-member family.
Sunday was a pretty sad
day. We called Irma, who still hasn't been confirmed, to make sure she
was coming, because she had been sick the past few weeks and was unable
to come. If she didn't come this week she would have to be baptized
again. It was about 20 minutes before church, and she said "Yes, I'm
coming, without a doubt". But then she didn't come. After we took the
sacrament we called her three times, and the phone was off, went and
visited her, and someone else, who is one of the wives of a polygamist,
answered saying she would see if Irma was there. We heard Irma's voice,
and the woman came back and said that Irma was sick. We asked if we
could just talk for two seconds with Irma and she said we should come by
the next day. It was pretty heartbreaking. We then went tracting, and
people rejected us left and right. Sunday was just difficult.
Nevertheless we talked with everyone that we saw. It was a good day
because we gave it our all despite all the rejection.
my studies I learned the difference between trusting that God can do all
things, and trusting that whether He does or not all will be well. In
the story of getting the plates from Laban, Nephi knew that God both
could and would provide. I feel like sometimes we think "Oh of course
God CAN, seeing that He can do all things", but we doubt whether or not
He will. That's when we must learn the Character of God. It's not His
character to let us fall. 1 Ne. 2:12 says that Laman and Lemuel didn't
understand the dealings of that God who created them. They didn't
understand His character. So they couldn't comprehend that He would
perform such miracles. It's something that I'm learning, still trying to
I also finished My Plan, which was definitely
eye-opening. The Lord has big plans for my future. I love you all. This
week was full of miracles and trials, a great week overall.
Monday, August 6, 2018
Week 104 - Palmdale
Hey everyone! This week was great as always when in the Lord's service.
So, to get started, we went by Ruben, who last week when we met him
loved talking to us, and as we walked away, asked us to come back and
teach his daughter and family as well. We came back this week, and he
explained that he had a lot of family problems going on, basically that
he and his wife were considering divorce after they both lost trust in
each other. He said that they argue a lot, but that ever since we
started coming by, he had lost any desire to argue. Anytime his wife
yells at him or gets angry he just takes the situation calmly now. We
taught the Plan of Salvation, and explained that one day we would stand
before God to be judged of our works, and we invited him to be baptized
so he can be clean from that. He accepted a date, and when he offered
the closing prayer he started to cry. He said he hadn't felt that way in
a very long time.
We also taught Patricia who has
her autistic son, and she committed to baptism and coming to church. She
actually did, and she loved it. She also accepted a Baptismal date. I
was very glad that she came, because just a few months ago, she came to
church, and her son was making a lot of noise. Everyone around her was
like "Shhhhh!" and "Callense!" But she still decided to come to church.
This ward has some judging problems. They tell everyone a dress code
that runs off investigators and recent converts.
There's a new family who moved into the ward, and they invited us to
have dinner at their home. They live far out in the desert, but they're
super awesome. They have two children who served their missions. We had
tinfoil dinners, and baked cakes in an orange peel with the inside
carved out. It was amazing.
We also taught a
lesson to Remundo, and he realized that he had to read some of the Book
of Mormón before knowing if what we taught was true. He also came to
church. The Lord has blessed us a lot in the work. We started testifying
to everyone we met with, and it brought success. People who rejected us
could at least feel the Spirit, and we could tell. I also learned a lot
in personal study.
In Alma 60:25-26,28,
Moroni did not care what others thought because he knew what was right.
He said he would do what he would do and wouldn't yield to another.
In Alma 57:1-4 Moroni didn't want a city, he wanted his people, the
prisoners. He didn't yield, but said he could accomplish his desires.
Then, the enemy yielded to him.
Alma 43:11-13
and 56:8 They saw it was more important to keep their Covenants than to
break them. We often make excuses not to obey, but while obeying the
true spirit of the law, we can obey and trust in the miracles of God as
we yield not to our enemy.
For an activity on P-day, we went to Devil's Punch bowl, and did personal study for the day on the mountaintops.Monday, July 30, 2018
Week 103 - Palmdale
This week has been glorious so far. I said goodbye to Elder Hanchett,
and received Elder Simpson. He is an awesome elder, and I have a lot of
respect for him. The first day together we went with the youth to visit
people we're teaching. They did a really good job. We taught Remundo the
Plan of Salvation. The youth did a good job explaining things as well.
We also talked with one man who has a cousin who served his mission in
New York. He also gave us a referral to go by.
went by a man named George on Wednesday and taught the Plan of
Salvation, and we invited him to be baptized. He was very cool. On the
mission, I have learned a lot about moving furniture. We did a ton of
service this week. We helped a family move out and we cleaned out a
We had a Plan to go by Patricia, and we
weren't sure what we would do. We decided we would go by to find her
need. We just went by, and she totally just started telling us all her
needs. We immediately taught according to her needs.
had a lesson with Carlos, and he had a question: Why does God let bad
things happen to good people? We read Mosiah 23:21-24, how the Lord
wants us to gain patience and faith. We then read from chapter 24:13-17.
We said that God doesn't always free us FROM our afflictions, but that
He visits us IN them. And then He strengthens us, lightens the loads
upon our shoulders until we carry them with patience and joy, and then
frees us. He was on the verge of tears. It was good. We invited him to
baptism, and he said he would read the Book of Mormón to find out.
was baptized last week. The promises we made to Irma have come true.
She had someone that had totally been evil to her almost al her life.
She could not forgive him, and we asked President if she could still get
baptized with the grudge. He said that the ordinances would give her
power to allow the Savior to forgive him through her. This week we came
by and she said she had a dream where she just let the evil man go. She
just forgave and forgot. She explained how this man had raped her and
her brother, and that her brother commited suicide after that happened.
She couldn't do it. It wasn't possible. But the ordinances unlocked the
power of Jesus Christ and His Atonement.
I know
that the Covenants we make with God are not just light promises, but
vows that when honored, open the blessings and powers of God. It was
awesome to learn this.
I love you all, love Elder Sant
Monday, July 23, 2018
Week 102 - Palmdale
Hello everyone! This week has been a crazy and busy week. To start off,
on Tuesday we traced a lot and talked to a lot of people. It was a great
day. On Wednesday we were going to have Irma's baptism, but then as
Satan does, he wouldn't let it happen without putting up a fight. You
remember the house that we worked on with Irma? She still hadn't
finished it, and she called us an hour before the baptism and said she
couldn't make it to the baptism because she had the deadline of that
night to finish it. We at first were like "we understand", but then we
got bold, called her back, and promised her Temporal and spiritual
blessings for coming. We also said that before and after the baptism we
would help until she's done. So we worked with her on the house in
proselyting clothes, and raced over to the baptism at 7 pm, and had a
beautiful baptism. She came in and asked where all the other people
being baptized were. She apparently imagined that she would be one of
many others getting baptized. We said, "No, it's all for you". And she
started to cry. It was an amazing baptism, and right after we gathered
as many members as we could and we went to her house, called our mission
president and then worked on the flip house until 11:30. We taught a
lesson with a family who loved the Restoration, and also we taught
Remundo, who is on date for August. We read some of the Book of Mormón
with him and he said as we left "You guys better keep coming back". It
was pretty awesome. He also came to church and loved it.
Something I've learned is that from each of my companion's I have
learned Christ-like attributes. From Elder Hanchett I've learned trust.
He trusts everyone, and therefore he trusts God. They were a great set
of 2 1/2 transfers. I am now getting another companion for my final
transfer, and his name is Elder Simpson. He seems like an amazing
missionary. The Lord blessed us in this work and I learned that if we
put our effort to not give up when Satan pushes us, the Lord's miracles
are accomplished.
Monday, July 16, 2018
Week 101 - Palmdale
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We also did
more service for Irma, but things got pretty sketchy when we found all
sorts of things in the backyard, and we decided we had to go. The house
had once been a trafficing center and a drug house, so when we saw these
things we left. There were kids' school IDs and social securities and
things like that, and needles. There were really old VHS tapes and many
backpacks. We figured it'd be best not to get any diseases after finding
out about the needles.
We went by a referral the
English sisters had given us, and when we went by, the family let us in
and we taught a quick summary of the Book of Mormón. When we explained
that Jesus Christ came to the Americas, one member of the family got
excited and told us that he had gone to college, and studied Mayan
history. He said he wouldn't be surprised if the great white God was
Jesus Christ. He asked for a copy, and then he said he worked for an
olive oil company, and gave us two big bottles of very nice olive oil.
Irma and Remundo both came to church, which is awesome. They loved it.
In my studies I have learned a lot. If we give the Lord our plans, and
Covenant to the person we will become, He will open doors for us.
Finding out who we want to be will point us in a straight direction.
I love you all. And I hope you have a good week!
Monday, July 9, 2018
Week 100 - Palmdale
This week was an extremely long week. Super crazy and busy and we just
had so much going on. First, we went to Patricia and brought Hna
Villagomez, a councilor in the Relief Society. It was a great
experience, and we taught about having the faith to obey all of God's
commandments, even when we don't understand them all. Hna Villagomez
also fed us about 4 days in a row. She is a super sweet lady and a
fantastic family. There is a kid living with them named Ernest, and he
gives out Book of Mormons to kids at school. We also went on exchanges
with the other Esperanza elders, and they are fantastic. I was with
Elder Bermudez and I learned a lot from the man. He is a great elder
with a great heart. We at one point decided to talk to a family outside,
and they weren't interested, but then we were on our way back there was
a man walking into the same house and at first we thought, "oh, it's
the same house, we'll probably just get denied again." We turned around,
and started heading somewhere else, but we decided we had to try by. We
went by him and taught a full Restoration. It was very good, and it
gave me a lot of motivation to try harder and harder. We also visited
Irma and did service for her. It was crazy because she's flipping a
house, so we sanded all the walls, filled holes in the drywall, put on
primer, painted, and more. It was a big project, but it was fun. We also
started teaching the rest of the family of Irma, so we'll see how that
goes. For the fourth of July we had to be in our apartment at 8
pm. We were to use that time to start our weekly planning. It was pretty
grand, but after we spent some time watching the fireworks. It was
pretty cool. We set a few people on date this week, and invited a lot of
people to be baptized. We were also able to find a lot.
For church on Sunday Irma came, and so did the second councilor to our
mission president! They talked for a little bit and he got her excited
about baptism. She had her interview this week, and she's ready. It's a
really big miracle.

Monday, July 2, 2018
Week 99 - Palmdale
Hello! I feel like it was just 4 days ago that I wrote about my week.
Thursday night we visited this street that Elder Hanchett felt was
revelation from God to tract at 7, so we did and we found some cool
people. On Friday we visited Patricia, and we taught the plan of
Salvation, drawing everything out, and we invited her to be baptized.
She said the only block was her autistic son, who doesn't handle things
well in public, so she says she is unable to come to church.
Nevertheless, it was a great lesson, and we decided as a companionship
that we would invite her to be baptized this next week again. On
Saturday we helped move the hermanas and the elders to new apartments.
The elders moved into the hermanas' old apartment, and the hermanas
moved into a new complex. We also visited our ward mission leader, whose
had meningitis for the past while, which isn't fun at all. We've given
many blessings the past few weeks, and as always that is fun. We also
went with our Elders Quorum President and his councilor to visit some
less-actives. It was a great experience. The Lord blessed us with many
miracles throughout this busy week,.
We visited Maria, who came to
church with her less active sister, the restoration. She at first said
that she would be cheating God by switching religions after already
joining one, but we taught the restoration and she got pretty excited.
Her sister came halfway and somehow temples came up so we taught about
them and she was very interested. The big thing is that her mother is in
Mexico dying of a sickness, and Maria just knows that her mom was
always happy when talking about church. We taught Mirna about families
and temples, and especially baptisms for the dead. It was a powerful
lesson with many scriptures.
I love you all and have a great week.Thursday, June 28, 2018
Week 98 - Palmdale
This week has been a pretty good week. Except that on Monday, I threw a
volleyball to Elder Vedia, and broke his finger. Totally 45 degree angle
sideways. On Monday night we were visiting some people in a section
called Casa Verde, and the other elders in the district called, saying
that they had a referral for us. We went by, and it was in a member's
home with an investigator we had talked to the week before. It turns out
the member decided to invite our investigator to a dinner at her home,
and to bring us with her. Our investigator has a son with autism, so
he's not always on his best behavior.
We shared a scripture about charity. It's something that I've been studying a lot about recently. In Moroni 7:47-48, it explains charity as the pure love of Christ. I took that before to mean that Charity is the definition of Christ's love, which is true. But I learned something more. I always thought we had to gain this love, somehow have that love, and it's all our own. It says, though, that charity is Christ's pure love, not mine. Sometimes it can be hard to love some others, but as verse 48 says, we have to ask our Father that He fill us with Christ's love with all the energy of our heart.
We taught one of our investigators the word of wisdom last week, and at first, she said she would be unable to go cold turkey. She said just one drink every once in a while wouldn't hurt. But we read Alma 47:11-18 and talked about how even lowering just a little bit can have bad consequences. She then fully committed to live it. She was really grateful! However this week, we came by and she explained her whole personal dilemma, of how her husband doesn't want her to go to church and literally beats her when she does. She said she couldn't keep going, progressing because she was done. She had been beaten and abused most of her life, and she's just so close. If she just makes the Covenants with God, all will be well.
We explained about the Atonement. I realize that often we go into 2 Nephi 2 whenever people have questions about why we have opposition, but I have seen that that chapter is for the ones who know about the blessings of life and struggles. There are those who just want to know if it's all worth it, or what God does during their struggles and oppositions. For me, Mosiah 24 explains it best.
Anyway, we were going tracting, and there was a door we saw a car trunk open, so we knocked the door. A black woman answered and we said "HI. We're missionaries from the church of Jesus Christ. She answered," oh, ok. Come on in!" We came in, shared a message, and she said, "My name is Chok-o-lat-ay, but you can call me chocolate". She was a really cool referral for English elders, but it turns out that her son had been invited a few weeks earlier to go to church by a member, and went. Great miracles happen.
On Thursday we gave a blessing to a member, and also had Zone Conference. It was a good conference. Since I'm extending, all the missionaries I would have gone home with bore their testimonies. It was weird and sad to see. But I am glad to have a little extra time here. I also finished the Book of Mormón in Spanish! It was an eye opener. We decided that we would have a meeting with bishop to discuss some plans, so we put our presentation together Friday, and then on Saturday we presented it to bishop, and then after Stake conference we all got blessings from him and the Elder's Quorum President. Hno Aguirre, the EQP, is amazing. A great man.
The notes I received from Stake conference are these:
Jesus ministered by letting them know the Atonement is real. Feel and see and know.
Tithing is in place of consecration today. Concecration is the higher law.
Now we're at the higher law of ministering. We are being asked to live a higher law.
Ministering is an attribute of Christ.
As he focused on helping those around him on the hill, his own hill disappeared*
**Higher laws allow more agency, and more direction from and freedom to follow the Spirit. It only works by turning outward. **
It shouldn't be a commandment, but just nature.
We shared a scripture about charity. It's something that I've been studying a lot about recently. In Moroni 7:47-48, it explains charity as the pure love of Christ. I took that before to mean that Charity is the definition of Christ's love, which is true. But I learned something more. I always thought we had to gain this love, somehow have that love, and it's all our own. It says, though, that charity is Christ's pure love, not mine. Sometimes it can be hard to love some others, but as verse 48 says, we have to ask our Father that He fill us with Christ's love with all the energy of our heart.
We taught one of our investigators the word of wisdom last week, and at first, she said she would be unable to go cold turkey. She said just one drink every once in a while wouldn't hurt. But we read Alma 47:11-18 and talked about how even lowering just a little bit can have bad consequences. She then fully committed to live it. She was really grateful! However this week, we came by and she explained her whole personal dilemma, of how her husband doesn't want her to go to church and literally beats her when she does. She said she couldn't keep going, progressing because she was done. She had been beaten and abused most of her life, and she's just so close. If she just makes the Covenants with God, all will be well.
We explained about the Atonement. I realize that often we go into 2 Nephi 2 whenever people have questions about why we have opposition, but I have seen that that chapter is for the ones who know about the blessings of life and struggles. There are those who just want to know if it's all worth it, or what God does during their struggles and oppositions. For me, Mosiah 24 explains it best.
Anyway, we were going tracting, and there was a door we saw a car trunk open, so we knocked the door. A black woman answered and we said "HI. We're missionaries from the church of Jesus Christ. She answered," oh, ok. Come on in!" We came in, shared a message, and she said, "My name is Chok-o-lat-ay, but you can call me chocolate". She was a really cool referral for English elders, but it turns out that her son had been invited a few weeks earlier to go to church by a member, and went. Great miracles happen.
On Thursday we gave a blessing to a member, and also had Zone Conference. It was a good conference. Since I'm extending, all the missionaries I would have gone home with bore their testimonies. It was weird and sad to see. But I am glad to have a little extra time here. I also finished the Book of Mormón in Spanish! It was an eye opener. We decided that we would have a meeting with bishop to discuss some plans, so we put our presentation together Friday, and then on Saturday we presented it to bishop, and then after Stake conference we all got blessings from him and the Elder's Quorum President. Hno Aguirre, the EQP, is amazing. A great man.
The notes I received from Stake conference are these:
Jesus ministered by letting them know the Atonement is real. Feel and see and know.
Tithing is in place of consecration today. Concecration is the higher law.
Now we're at the higher law of ministering. We are being asked to live a higher law.
Ministering is an attribute of Christ.
As he focused on helping those around him on the hill, his own hill disappeared*
**Higher laws allow more agency, and more direction from and freedom to follow the Spirit. It only works by turning outward. **
It shouldn't be a commandment, but just nature.
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