This week was an extremely long week. Super crazy and busy and we just
had so much going on. First, we went to Patricia and brought Hna
Villagomez, a councilor in the Relief Society. It was a great
experience, and we taught about having the faith to obey all of God's
commandments, even when we don't understand them all. Hna Villagomez
also fed us about 4 days in a row. She is a super sweet lady and a
fantastic family. There is a kid living with them named Ernest, and he
gives out Book of Mormons to kids at school. We also went on exchanges
with the other Esperanza elders, and they are fantastic. I was with
Elder Bermudez and I learned a lot from the man. He is a great elder
with a great heart. We at one point decided to talk to a family outside,
and they weren't interested, but then we were on our way back there was
a man walking into the same house and at first we thought, "oh, it's
the same house, we'll probably just get denied again." We turned around,
and started heading somewhere else, but we decided we had to try by. We
went by him and taught a full Restoration. It was very good, and it
gave me a lot of motivation to try harder and harder. We also visited
Irma and did service for her. It was crazy because she's flipping a
house, so we sanded all the walls, filled holes in the drywall, put on
primer, painted, and more. It was a big project, but it was fun. We also
started teaching the rest of the family of Irma, so we'll see how that
goes. For the fourth of July we had to be in our apartment at 8
pm. We were to use that time to start our weekly planning. It was pretty
grand, but after we spent some time watching the fireworks. It was
pretty cool. We set a few people on date this week, and invited a lot of
people to be baptized. We were also able to find a lot.
For church on Sunday Irma came, and so did the second councilor to our
mission president! They talked for a little bit and he got her excited
about baptism. She had her interview this week, and she's ready. It's a
really big miracle.
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