Hello, everyone. This past week was pretty awesome. On Monday we had a Family Home Evening with the Gonzalez family. They are an awesome family! We had a lot of fun there, and the next day we talked to Eric, an investigator who said he didn't get the same feeling from the book of Mormon as he did from the bible, We talked to him about the sower of seed, and how the Lord didn't want to make a big blast that this was true because it would be like casting the seed at the rocks, where people get excited to receive the word, but it can't take root on the rock. The Lord was waiting for fertile ground to do it and carefully put in those roots. He loved that analogy, and he decided to read. On Wednesday we gave a blessing to a less active woman named America, and that is the 9th blessing I've given on my mission, and it was pretty cool. On Wednesday we also got a referral from the English elders of an amazing family who feel like we are an answer to their prayers. We came to them, and they were on their way to the hospital because their daughter had pneumonia. They looked at us and said, "We have 5 minutes"! O Friday we talked to this kid named Angel who didn't want to get baptized at 8. He cried because he was scared. We didn't get throught to him, but then the Branch President talked to him and got through. On Saturday we had to plan for the week, because it was New Years Eve and we couldn't go out. On Sunday we had lunch at branch president's. It was really good. The work is going well, but I can feel it dying a little, so we're trying to keep it going. Also, I gave my tenth blessing last night to a really less active we found smoking in his yard. He has cancer, and we were able to find him. It was really cool. For breakfast, I have a pear and chocolate milk and honey bunches of oats, and for lunch I have nutella and bread. Dinner always depends, but we almost always have dinners with members. We had a chilean dinner one night, and the family was so much fun. We had a sort of spaghetti with hispanic things in it. It was super good. My week was blessed, because often this week, we would have plan a and b, and they'd usually fall through. But, the Lord always had a pretty good plan c. It was a good week overall. I love you guys, and thanks for all the support.
Also, I was reading 3 Nephi today, and I read 3 Nephi 17:20 when Jesus says "My joy is full." I read that and I started wondering how I can make the Savior's joy full on the mission and in daily life. I'm going to apply that and study it.

i love that pic of jo and the savior. im nursing so typing is a pain.