Hey everyone! This week was a little crazy. The hermanas in our area have an investigator that was going to get baptized on Saturday, and I was going to interview him, but as I talked to him and as the hermanas and Elder Mendoza and I talked about it, we felt like he was doing this to get financial support from the church. Our Branch President felt the same way and was relieved to hear what we thought. He did not get baptized on Saturday. This week we got transfer calls, and Elder Mendoza and I are both staying in this area. We went by an investigator named Cynthia, and she asked us to help feed her horses. We went into what we thought was a small backyard, but it was actually a huge yard with a tall fence. She took us to the fence and opened a gate, and the yard continued with a small ranch. She also had about 100 chickens. It was crazy. We fed the horses and talked to their family. It was pretty cool.
Something that I've been seeing is a lack of real faith in the district: I'm imperfect, and I include myself in this. I was talking to Elder Mendoza about this upcoming transfer, and he explained to me that he had been here for six months without seeing large success, and that this one transfer wouldn't change too much. I told him that we were planning a baptism this upcoming month, hopefully, according to our goals, and he basically said "Why wouldn't any success happen earlier". Therefore, faith is something we will be working on. We set the goal: if we say we're going to find "3 new investigators" and "2 with a bap. date" and "2 at sacrament meeting", we will and must do everything we can to accomplish it. I am expecting a miracle, because we are going to need it, really. I am so grateful for this chance to serve, and I hope my experiences I gain here will have an eternal effect.
In district meeting we taught more about the doctrine of Christ, and president has been talking about that a lot, and said "We do not understand the Doctrine of Christ enough".
And do you know Elder Patterson? He lived in Pride, LA, and he'll be in the zone. Also, the hermanas in the district are staying and so is Elder Mcgill, and he will have Elder Frankum with him, who is a pretty cool elder.
Elder Mcgill and Frankum are English, but the hermanas are Spanish. I hope it is, but there is a lack of faith here. I was talking to Elder Mendoza about this upcoming transfer, and he explained to me that he had been here for six months without seeing large success, and that this one transfer wouldn't change too much. I told him that we were planning a baptism this upcoming month, hopefully, according to our goals, and he basically said "Why wouldn't any success have happened earlier".

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