I am doing well this week! Christmas decorations are everywhere this week! I love it, and Elder Chamberlain's mom sent us a small Christmas tree, which is awesome! We do have technology to teach with. We get supplies from the Zone Leaders, who get them from the Mission Office, and we will get them this week.
My companion is going home next transfer, so he and I might have one transfer more together.
My favorite Spanish word is probably.
I am sleeping well, and it is getting cold, but inside it is warm. I do snore all the time though, so what my companion does is clap as loud as he can, and it usually gets me up for a second.
The only homesickness I have is that I want to hear from you guys, but I get that once a week!
My Birthday in the field was fantastic, and thanks for everyone who has been helping me grow and learn to be a missionary. Thank you so much for that gift of all the pictures of people I love. It was literally the best gift ever. I also got an awesome tie, my new favorite. The other Spanish elders bought me a cake, and the people who got a video of people singing me happy birthday was my ward mission leader, who is bomb. On my birthday we had a nerf war.
I talk to my mission president maybe once a transfer. We can call him anytime. My president does write back, but it's usually the same message for everyone. I don't blame him for having 200 missionaries.
I love that quote from Acts 5! hey rejoiced for being worthy to suffer shame! Hebrews 11:37-40 connects well with that. The world is not worthy of them.
I am having an amazing, epic experience, and here as a missionary, and I really am learning about Christmas on a deeper level. I also am learning so much about the Sacrament. I love that we do that personally for ourselves every week. It's the only ordinance we repeat every week.
When we taught the Moncera family, we were discussing the word of wisdom, or more, arguing about it, and the Spirit wasn't there. I prayed to Heavenly Father, and I said, "I've been pretty quiet, but I've been waiting for a moment where the Spirit would be here." I bore testimony of the Sacrament. I need the Spirit or I just cannot speak, much less another language.
We went to the Carrillos, and Wesley, who is the most prepared to go on a mission that I have ever met. I truly love that guy, and he just needs to lose two more pounds before he can go on a mission. Armando Carrillo was saying things such as the following:" To be honest, I do not care about your book. I do not care. Your priesthood is of the devil!" Wesley stood up and said, in essence, "You cannot say that the authority of these men is of the devil! You will not say that! I testify that they are servants of Christ! They have sacrificed so much for this mission, just to come and see you guys. They are representatives of Jesus Christ!" They were silent. We left the home with a prayer.
I love you guys!

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