The work has grown because Oildale just gained a few extra neighborhoods, and there is someone we found who has been waiting for the old missionaries to return for about a month. They talked to her once, and said they'd come back, but never did, and they had an investigator right next to them who they went to and she saw them drive by like every day as she waited. We talked to her and she explained that she wants to go to church but doesn't know where it is, and that she reads the Book of Mormon they gave her that day with her children!!! I don't want to leave now, but I know without a single doubt that the Lord really needs me in Lancaster! I can promise that.
We were walking down a street in Oildale, and this lady called us over, and explained that she was a victim of abuse, and showed us her scars that looked new, and we explained that the word of two missionaries might not be sufficient, but that God does love her and puts her in trials because He knows she is able to do it. She cried and whispered, "That's why I called you over here." We prayed with her, and referred her to the English elders.
Another time this week a man came to us and said 'Are you guys Mormons?" And we answered yes, and he explained that he wanted to quit drinking and change his life around. After a while of talking, we explained that God loved him, and he said, "Why? Why does He love me?" Elder Chamberlain said, "Because He knows you perfectly, and He knows what you can become". He started crying and said, "I gotta go'. We referred him to the English missionaries. It was an awesome week!
My companion and I are awesome together. We talked to the Mancera family one last time, and I set him with a new baptismal date! I need to know what happens with them. I said goodbye to a lot of people. The Lord is in this work, and I can promise that. There are miracles in life, and I am a testament to the care God has for us. I love you all, and thanks for everything.

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